Обзор невыпущенных героев от Cyborgmatt UPD: Phoenix, Oracle, Soul Keeper

Небольшой обзор статуса разработки еще невыпущенных героев от Cyborgmatt

Статус невыпущенных героев Dota2

На данный момент в разработке находятся сразу несколько героев. Прогресс по каждому из них Вы можете увидеть в этой статье.
HeroConcept ArtHero PortraitAbility IconsAbility StringsHero TexturesHero ParticlesMinimap IconNPC_Heroes Entry
Arc WardenImage not foundImage not foundImage not foundImage not foundImage not foundImage not foundImage not foundImage not found
Abyssal UnderlordImage not foundImage not foundImage not foundImage not foundImage not foundImage not foundImage not foundImage not found
OracleImage not foundImage not foundImage not foundImage not foundImage not foundImage not foundImage not foundImage not found
PhoenixImage not foundImage not foundImage not foundImage not foundImage not foundImage not foundImage not foundImage not found
Sun WukongImage not foundImage not foundImage not foundImage not foundImage not foundImage not foundImage not foundImage not found
TechiesImage not foundImage not foundImage not foundImage not foundImage not foundImage not foundImage not foundImage not found
TerrorbladeImage not foundImage not foundImage not foundImage not foundImage not foundImage not foundImage not foundImage not found
Winter WyvernImage not foundImage not foundImage not foundImage not foundImage not foundImage not foundImage not foundImage not found

Abyssal Underlord
Имя: Нет
Класс: the Abyssal Underlord
Бывший Pit Lord. Название героя уже переделали из-за авторских прав, но имени у него еще нет, по той же причине. На некоторых артах напоминает Сларка злоупотребяющего стероидами.
Концепт Арт:
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Иконки скиллов:
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Имя: Nerif
Класс: The Oracle
Иконки способностей:
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Имя: Icarus
Класс: the Phoenix.
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Soul Keeper

Имя: Terrorblade
Класс: the Soul Keeper.
Присутствуют только записи в файле NPC_Heroes:
Заголовок спойлера
<code> //=================================================================================================================    // HERO: Terrorblade    //=================================================================================================================    "npc_dota_hero_terrorblade"    {                                          // General      //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------      "Model"            "models/heroes/terrorblade/terrorblade.mdl"      // Model.      "SoundSet"          "Hero_Terrorblade"              // Name of sound set.      "IdleExpression"      "scenes/terrorblade/terrorblade/exp_idle_01.vcd"    // custom facial animation idle      "HeroID"          "109"                            // unique ID number for this hero.  Do not change this once established or it will invalidate collected stats.      "Enabled"          "0"      "HeroUnlockOrder"      "1"      "Role"            "Carry"      "Rolelevels"        "3"      "Team"            "Bad"      "Portrait"          "vgui/hud/heroportraits/portrait_terrorblade"      "ModelScale"         "1"      "CMEnabled"          "0"      "NameAliases"        "tb"      "url"            "Terrorblade"      // Abilities      //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------      "Ability1"          "terrorblade_reflection"          // Ability 1      "Ability2"          "terrorblade_conjure_image"            // Ability 2      "Ability3"          "terrorblade_metamorphosis"          // Ability 3      "Ability4"          "terrorblade_sunder"          // Ability 4        // Armor      //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------      "ArmorPhysical"        "4"                    // Physical protection.        // Attack      //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------      "AttackCapabilities"    "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK"      "AttackDamageMin"      "26"                  // Damage range min.      "AttackDamageMax"      "32"                  // Damage range max.        "AttackRate"        "1.5"                  // Speed of attack.      "AttackAnimationPoint"    "0.3"                  // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack.      "AttackAcquisitionRange"  "600"                  // Range within a target can be acquired.      "AttackRange"        "128"                  // Range within a target can be attacked.      "ProjectileModel"      ""                    // Particle system model for projectile.      "ProjectileSpeed"      "0"                    // Speed of projectile.        // Attributes      //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------      "AttributePrimary"      "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_AGILITY"      "AttributeBaseStrength"    "15"                  // Base strength      "AttributeStrengthGain"    "1.9"                  // Strength bonus per level.      "AttributeBaseIntelligence"  "19"                  // Base intelligence      "AttributeIntelligenceGain"  "1.75"                  // Intelligence bonus per level.      "AttributeBaseAgility"    "22"                  // Base agility      "AttributeAgilityGain"    "3.2"                  // Agility bonus per level.        // Movement      //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------      "MovementSpeed"        "315"                  // Speed.      "MovementTurnRate"      "0.5"                  // Turning rate.            "BoundsHullName"      "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_HERO"      "HealthBarOffset"      "140"        "ParticleFile"        "particles/units/heroes/hero_terrorblade.pcf"      "GameSoundsFile"      "scripts/game_sounds_heroes/game_sounds_terrorblade.txt"      "VoiceFile"         "scripts/voscripts/game_sounds_vo_terrorblade.txt"    }</code>


Имя: Squee, Spleen and Spoon.
Класс: the Goblin Techies.

Концепт арт:

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Image not found

Image not found

Перевод, оформление: DenSiL7
Источник: Компьютерщик Митя
Дополнительные ссылки: Список невыпущенного контента

Источник: Dotavideo.ru